Raja Ampat Dive Lodge

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The Raja Ampat Dive Lodge is located on the island of Mansuar which is at the sounthern tip of Waigeo. It is strategically positioned in the heart of the most spectacular dive sites of Northern Raja Ampat. A short boat ride takes you to the famous manta aggregation site of Manta Ridge and the fish tornadoes off Café Kri. The fish soup at Sardine Reef and the Macro Extravaganza of Mike's Point are also only minutes away. RADL is built along the fine white sands of Yenpapir Beach and backs into a pristine tropical Rainforest. The resort stretches across the cove with the nearest village a 20 minute walk away. Small mangrove clusters provide shelter for many juveniles and the reef in front of the resort is a heaven for snorkelers. The beach fronting the resort is extremely child friendly with a gently sloping beach and crystal clear waters that calmly caresses the shore. Comfortably designed with ecological awareness coupled with Balinese artistry, RADL offer divers and holiday makers a practical, comfortable and affordable diving and snorkeling environment.

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Raja Ampat Dive Lodge

The Raja Ampat Dive Lodge is located on the island of Mansuar which is at the sounthern tip of Waigeo.
Preis auf Anfrage